Industry Focus
Retail spaces present unique challenges for indoor air quality: they are often large and uninterrupted, and large numbers of people including customers, staff, delivery and maintenance workers, and others are continuously moving through the space, disturbing air flow and bringing foreign particles with them. The correct placement and operation of air vents, filtration and purification systems, and other HVAC system components is critical not only to the health and safety of the occupants, but also to the efficient use of energy and a critical component of LEED and other green building standards. Continuous monitoring and analytics of indoor air throughout retail spaces is the only way to ensure that goals for safety and sustainability are being met.

Modern retail spaces are often large and open, inviting customers to wander from one area to the next uninterrupted.

In such settings, the placement and operation of HVAC system components is critical to maintaining the proper airflow throughout the space, bringing in the correct amount of outdoor air, regulating temperature and humidity correctly, and doing it all in a manner which is energy-efficient and sustainable.

Often, retailers use 3rd-party air purification and filtration systems to assure customers and staff that the indoor air is clean and safe to breathe – and these systems often are not implemented correctly, leaving critical spaces unprotected and putting occupants at risk.

With TelosAir, continuous intelligent analytics based on 24 x 7 monitoring and data collection provide the necessary guidance for building facilities managers and maintenance staff to understand precisely how to fine-tune HVAC systems, 3rd-party air purification and filtration systems, and other air management components so that the air is not only healthy and safe to breathe, but the energy utilization necessary to do so is kept at an absolute minimum. It is not necessary to sacrifice energy efficiency and sustainability in order to provide safe indoor air – TelosAir’s sophisticated solutions can help you do both.

Real World Scenarios

Optimizing all air management components and placement of vents and purification systems so that indoor air quality can be optimized for the health and safety of both customers and staff

Lowering energy bills and advancing sustainability initiatives by monitoring and analyzing CO2, temperature, humidity, particulate matter, and other indoor air quality attributes to reap tremendous savings in HVAC costs

Further Reading


Optimizing Health and Business Outcomes
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Sam’s Club partners with TelosAir to Measure Effectiveness of Air Purification program

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